THE TEACHING STEPS that have been uncovered on the southern wall of the old city of Jerusalem is the place where rabbis met their students to teach them the law.
They are a special place too because Jesus would have climbed them to enter the gates leading to the temple. He no doubt taught His disciples on these very steps. What's more, some contend that this also could have been the place where the disciples were gathered on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them with a "rushing mighty wind and tongues of fire."
I sat on those steps in February 2006 and prayed, "Could this be the place?" My heart leaped as just then I felt a gust of wind blow across the steps as if in immediate answer to my prayer.
This blog location will be known as The Teaching Steps. I invite you to meet me here weekly, along with others, to share together our thoughts on God's precious and holy Word through the inspiration of His Holy Spirit.
I'll meet you here.
Clyde <><
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Just testing the system so I can help others get here.
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