Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) What an amazing fellowship we enjoy as we follow Jesus wherever He leads us. As we follow Him we “walk in the light as He is in the light;” and as His word promises, “we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, (God’s) Son cleanses us from all our sin.” (I John 1:7)
The Psalmist spoke of God’s word as light. But his words become all the more poignant when we see God’s Word become flesh in Jesus as that “lamp to our feet and light for our pathway.” (Psalm 119:105) How blessed we are when we realize that even though we may not be able to see or perceive the distant destination, we nevertheless follow in faith and have fellowship with our Lord as He leads us to places of service He chooses.
In the previous message I told about the day I heard my name called and a door that was opened before me, and how events quickly began to take shape that I could never have anticipated. Although I began to recognize God’s presence in the unfolding events of that day, I still felt surrounded by too many unknowns. Instinctively I yearned for more light; however, the illumination I sought was for the destination to light up and come into clear and focused view. That was never going to happen and I knew it, but I wanted it and asked for it anyway. Instead what the Lord provided was all that I needed; “a lamp to my feet and a light for my pathway” and a blessed and sweet fellowship every step of the way that is still with me to this very moment as I write about it.
The next morning, as promised, the District Superintendant of the Mobile District, Reverend Tonya Elmore, and I met and talked about the matter. I expressed my concerns and my need for “more light” on what I was looking at especially given what I was already committed to. At that point light fell on the first step and came into clear view. Tonya said, “You don’t have to say “yes” or “no” right now. How about if you just go out and preach at Mt. Vernon this coming Sunday. That way you can meet the people and they can meet you, and then you can let me know what you think on Monday.” I liked that approach and thus agreed to go and preach there the next Sunday.
It was a beautiful bright sunny October Sunday morning as my wife, Cindy, and I set out on a pleasant drive out into the countryside north of Mobile to join the people of the Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church for worship. It was a very special moment for me when I realized that for the first time in many years my wife and I were actually driving to church together. For too many years I would dash out the door alone early on Sunday mornings to go help conduct the early service and my wife would come along later. I experienced a new ray of light on my path that morning as we drove to church together.
When we arrived at Mt. Vernon we turned off the main highway and entered the community on a road named, get this, “Military Road.” As an old military guy, I already loved the name of the road we were on. It was just a little thing; or was it? But as we drove down Military Road to the church I saw a light on that particular part of my pathway that I didn’t expect to see. Too sentimental? Maybe. But in some odd way, I felt at home on that “Military Road.”
Anyone who has ever driven down a country road anywhere in Alabama has at one time or another encountered a similar beautiful sight such as my wife and I saw next. As we rounded the bend in the road what came into our view was a beautiful little white church, with the typical cemetery out back, sitting there on the corner literally glowing in the sunlight. Was I imagining things, or was that glow really falling on my pathway. I can only speak to what my heart was saying. It whispered, “Yes.” Then we spied the sign across the street that greeted us by name and welcomed us to their community and church. I couldn’t wait to park and go inside.
What was inside captivated my heart as we entered the holy space of this small sanctuary. Was it the beauty of its simplicity? Was it the rounded mahogany stained chancel rail enclosing the altar, cross and candelabra; or maybe it was the pulpit and paraments and choir loft with the lighted cross on the back wall; or was it the shape of the cross formed by the nave and transepts on each side? Was it just me, or did anyone else notice the luminescence of the room that was more than just the sunlight pouring through the large cathedral-shaped windows? It had to be the people of that small congregation that turned to greet us with broad smiles and open arms as we walked through the double doors and entered the church. It was love at first sight. The experience we had that first day we now sing about each Sunday morning at the beginning of our worship service; “There’s A Sweet, Sweet Spirit In This Place.”
With all the light that fell on my pathway that morning I was beginning to get the picture more clearly. I knew for certain that the Lord was definitely leading me and was providing all the light I needed. I even began to sense a direction to His leading. But I wanted to be absolutely sure. I felt I needed more light. My Lord honored my need and provided me with a burst of light that would cinch the deal. But that’s another story of its own. To this day, the joy of walking with Jesus my Lord in that light has not subsided. I look forward to sharing that story with you too.
The Psalmist spoke of God’s word as light. But his words become all the more poignant when we see God’s Word become flesh in Jesus as that “lamp to our feet and light for our pathway.” (Psalm 119:105) How blessed we are when we realize that even though we may not be able to see or perceive the distant destination, we nevertheless follow in faith and have fellowship with our Lord as He leads us to places of service He chooses.
In the previous message I told about the day I heard my name called and a door that was opened before me, and how events quickly began to take shape that I could never have anticipated. Although I began to recognize God’s presence in the unfolding events of that day, I still felt surrounded by too many unknowns. Instinctively I yearned for more light; however, the illumination I sought was for the destination to light up and come into clear and focused view. That was never going to happen and I knew it, but I wanted it and asked for it anyway. Instead what the Lord provided was all that I needed; “a lamp to my feet and a light for my pathway” and a blessed and sweet fellowship every step of the way that is still with me to this very moment as I write about it.
The next morning, as promised, the District Superintendant of the Mobile District, Reverend Tonya Elmore, and I met and talked about the matter. I expressed my concerns and my need for “more light” on what I was looking at especially given what I was already committed to. At that point light fell on the first step and came into clear view. Tonya said, “You don’t have to say “yes” or “no” right now. How about if you just go out and preach at Mt. Vernon this coming Sunday. That way you can meet the people and they can meet you, and then you can let me know what you think on Monday.” I liked that approach and thus agreed to go and preach there the next Sunday.
It was a beautiful bright sunny October Sunday morning as my wife, Cindy, and I set out on a pleasant drive out into the countryside north of Mobile to join the people of the Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church for worship. It was a very special moment for me when I realized that for the first time in many years my wife and I were actually driving to church together. For too many years I would dash out the door alone early on Sunday mornings to go help conduct the early service and my wife would come along later. I experienced a new ray of light on my path that morning as we drove to church together.
When we arrived at Mt. Vernon we turned off the main highway and entered the community on a road named, get this, “Military Road.” As an old military guy, I already loved the name of the road we were on. It was just a little thing; or was it? But as we drove down Military Road to the church I saw a light on that particular part of my pathway that I didn’t expect to see. Too sentimental? Maybe. But in some odd way, I felt at home on that “Military Road.”
Anyone who has ever driven down a country road anywhere in Alabama has at one time or another encountered a similar beautiful sight such as my wife and I saw next. As we rounded the bend in the road what came into our view was a beautiful little white church, with the typical cemetery out back, sitting there on the corner literally glowing in the sunlight. Was I imagining things, or was that glow really falling on my pathway. I can only speak to what my heart was saying. It whispered, “Yes.” Then we spied the sign across the street that greeted us by name and welcomed us to their community and church. I couldn’t wait to park and go inside.
What was inside captivated my heart as we entered the holy space of this small sanctuary. Was it the beauty of its simplicity? Was it the rounded mahogany stained chancel rail enclosing the altar, cross and candelabra; or maybe it was the pulpit and paraments and choir loft with the lighted cross on the back wall; or was it the shape of the cross formed by the nave and transepts on each side? Was it just me, or did anyone else notice the luminescence of the room that was more than just the sunlight pouring through the large cathedral-shaped windows? It had to be the people of that small congregation that turned to greet us with broad smiles and open arms as we walked through the double doors and entered the church. It was love at first sight. The experience we had that first day we now sing about each Sunday morning at the beginning of our worship service; “There’s A Sweet, Sweet Spirit In This Place.”
With all the light that fell on my pathway that morning I was beginning to get the picture more clearly. I knew for certain that the Lord was definitely leading me and was providing all the light I needed. I even began to sense a direction to His leading. But I wanted to be absolutely sure. I felt I needed more light. My Lord honored my need and provided me with a burst of light that would cinch the deal. But that’s another story of its own. To this day, the joy of walking with Jesus my Lord in that light has not subsided. I look forward to sharing that story with you too.
Dear Pastor Clyde and Cindy:
You are so gifted. We are so thankful that you answered God's call to come to us at the Mt. Vernon UMC. We are the ones so blessed to have you both with us. God's spirit fills you and you bring the "light" into God's house and He comes to enjoy the praise and love that is given HIM in His house. We are thankful to our loved DS, Tonya Elmore for extending God's words to you, and to Cindy for giving God's encouragement to come to us. Thank you so much for all the love you both bring with you and yes, we love you too. God is praised and we are blessed. Blessings, Kathy S
This reminds me of what we talked about at the beach. Sometimes we are on a "need to know" basis :)
love, di
What a beautiful picture you painted of your experience of being led by God's light. Sounded like a year well spent. Blessings to you, Cindy and to Mt Vernon Methodist.
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