Christ Jesus our Lord promised, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.” (Matt 7:7-8)
As soon as one blog message is published the process of preparation for the next begins. Long before the decision is made as to what the next message will be, the temporary title, “God Will Provide,” is typed at the top of the page. This temporary title is saved on a memory stick where it remains until it is replaced by the actual title of the next blog message.
When that title is typed and saved, it is done as a prayer of faith in the certain knowledge that by the time the next message is begun God will have provided the topic. That prayer of faith is followed by a lot of listening in order to discern what that topic might be. Reading, praying, journaling, driving through the country-side to some town to attend a meeting, watching the news or conversing with people provides lots of opportunities to listen. At some point, you don’t know when or how, there comes that certain “something” that stands out; a word that quickens the heart, a thought that puts a lump in the throat and maybe even a tear in the eyes, an inspiration that wakes you in the middle of the night. Each one is different but they provide an “Aha” moment in which you sense this may be the topic. The listening doesn’t stop when the typing begins. Word by word, sentence by sentence His word must be there.
Sometimes when that “something” grabs your attention and you feel, “this may be it,” nothing comes of it. It doesn’t blossom into further thought. But then, right on time, the anticipated unexpected happens. Because God never fails, you anticipate His action; yet when He acts it is more often than not in an unexpected way that totally surprises you. O what joy and adventure is yours as God greets you over every new horizon. Something you didn’t see coming bursts into brilliant colors of possibility before your very eyes. God’s self-authenticating topic begins to dominate your thoughts as it plays over and over again in you mind. Its facets are infinite and so brilliant you have the new challenge of selection, lest you write a book, rather than just a blog message.
When this particular message began to surface it was rejected at first because it seemed to be too obvious. For weeks now this temporary title has been used for just that, a temporary title. It was a prayer of faith that God would provide, it was not to become the actual subject of a message. God obviously saw that a bit differently, and made it His topic. What better message could there be for this time than God’s faithfulness to provide? Who of us needs to hear this word from God today? Would it not be every one of us?
God’s faithfulness to provide is much, much bigger than providing a topic for a weekly blog message. It will have a thousand different themes in each of your lives, but His wonderful method will be the same in each unique situation. Anticipate the unexpected from your loving Heavenly Father whatever your need may be. Approach each new unknown horizon in your life with the certainty that God will greet you there. Be certain of this: God will provide!