Jesus took command of the event and the theme, “Connect,” and the sub-themes, “Passion” and “Purpose,” as He inspired the speakers, Bishops Will Willimon, of the North Alabama Conference, Hope Morgan-Ward, of the Mississippi Conference, and Dr. Wilson Bonfim, the physician Director of EvangeMed as they challenged us to connect our passion with purpose in our service in the world. Our Lord also honored His word in a workshop, led by Dr. Evelyn Laycock, which was a study of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) entitled, “The Words of Jesus When He Taught Servant Leadership.” (A peak experience.) It was great to be reminded that in our Lord, Jesus Christ, passion and purpose connect.
Jesus’ passion and purpose are abundantly evident throughout the Gospels in everything He says and does. As you read the Gospels you feel His passion and the urgency of His purpose as He enters Galilee calling for repentance, preaching, “The time has come. The Kingdom has come near. Turn around, change, and believe this good news.”(Mark 1:14-15) With passion He literally barks orders to demons and refuses to let them speak. (Mark 1:25) Hard hearts anger Him (Mark 3:1-ff) as does the abuse and commercialization of the Temple. (Mark 11:15-ff) The lack of faith of the hometown folk and relatives amazes Him. (Mark 6:1-6) He is incensed by, and with passion confronts, the religious leaders who mislead people with their teaching. (Mark 7:1-ff) With His passion motivating His purpose Jesus deeply loves the lost and desperately seeks them out in order to save them. (Luke 19:10) The passion of Christ is most evident as it unites with His ultimate purpose in His suffering death upon the cross and His glorious resurrection. (Matthew 27:33-28:7)
Jesus calls us to join Him in His passion and purpose. His passion and purpose are perpetuated by the enabling and empowering gift of His Holy Spirit to all who respond to His call. (Acts 1:4-8)
Jesus was at Junaluska restirring our passion, renewing our purpose and connecting them for service to His honor and glory.
The message from the conference at Junaluska is inspiring and encouraging as we look at the chaosin the world around us. Jesus is indeed present in the midst of us all carrying out God's divine purpose for mankind.
As we learned in our Kay Arthur study of the Beatitudes last year, it is interesting to note that the first four beatitudes involve attitudes of the heart. They have to come first in order to prepare us to do God's work.
For example:
The poor in spirit acquire HUMILITY
Those who mourn develop SENSITIVITY
Those who become meek can exercise SELF CONTROL
Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are OBEDIENT to God's will.
Only then are they able to show mercy, grow in holiness through a pure heart, serve as peacemakers, and remain committed and patient as they suffer persecution and rejection in the world.
I recently saw an article about a young man from California who came to the Gulf Coast to rebuild houses last February. He was to return home in March to complete a masters degree. He is still here. It is heart warming to see love and self-sacrifice and because of the holy Spirit in us WE ALWAYS WILL see it.I pray that those of us who love the Lord can, as the Apostle Paul said,"be content in all circumstances" and live our lives to GLORIFY HIS NAME.
Martha Sue
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